Track FAQ

Banner Image: Lustum Trackday: Racepark Meppen

Q: Can I join on a moped/scooter?

A: No, the difference in speed would be too dangerous.

Q: Can I join with a car?

A: No, this would present too much danger for motorcyclists.

Q: Can I join on a 125cc bike?

A: Absolutely!

Q: Can I join on an electric bike?

A: Absolutely!

Q: Do I need to be in possession of a motorcycle drivers license

A: Yes, either A1, A2 or A.

Q: How long do I need to be in possession of that license?

A: More than 0 days. Some experience is helpful though.

Q: What requirements must my bike meet?

A: In short: good tires, working suspension and brakes, stock exhaust or aftermarket with DB-killer, no leakages. See terms and conditions for all requirements.

Q: Where are we going?

Circuit meppen
Am Rögelberg 16
49716 Meppen

Q: I won’t be riding myself, can I still join?

A: Absolutely! You can come visit and watch everyone go fast.

Q: I would like to take pictures of the track, is that possible?

A: Yes, that is possible. If you’re an experienced photographer and want to take pictures close to the track, please contact the trackday organisation.

Q: My registration was confirmed, but I can’t make it anymore, can I cancel?

A: While you can cancel, we cannot refund the registration fee due to the high costs of organising this event. It is possible to transfer your registration to someone else. To do that, contact the organization.

Q: If bad weather is expected on May 13th, will the trackday be canceled?

A: No, you can still learn a lot by riding in the rain.

Q: What kind of tires do you recommend?

A: That is totally up to you, as long as they adhere to the rules (and preferably the road). We suggest not using knobby tires though.

Q: You mentioned accident insurance, what is that about?

A: It’s an insurance for personal injuries that happen to you as rider. For instance for costs for hospital or others. It is not an insurance for damage to your motorcycle

Q: There is an option to camp at the track the night before the trackday, what if I’m not sure yet?

A: You don’t have to decide immediately, but we would like to send out only a single payment request. If you want to change your preferences (you want to camp, but didn’t select it, or the other way round), please contact the organisation.